About NHR®
Certified and Licensed by the Society of NLP™ - Richard Bandler
A very special qualification recognizing the unique nature of NHR® and those who utilize this powerful process, to change their lives and the lives of others. Stay at the forefront of Dr. Bandler's work.
NHR® uses the hypnotic process to restructure experiences that people have at the neurological and chemical level. The only question is how much pleasure can you stand, how much excitement can you stand, how much success can you have? Instead of teaching people to lead with their minds, NHR® teaches you to lead with your feelings. You learn to saturate your neurology with the chemicals that make us feel good. Because if you get your whole body in the right state there's just about nothing that human beings can't do.
These advanced skills in Neuro-Hypnotic Repatterning® are the culmination of work from the same mind that gave us NLP and Design Human Engineering®(DHE®)
For more information and/or to book your place(s), use the button below.
Next Seminar: March 5-10, 2024
Find out what others have said about NHR®
“Richard is better than ever, working faster, more effectively, always elegantly and with his great sense of humour. Changes happen easily and effortlessly at deep levels - holistically. I think, feel and act differently and feel more integrated and more my true, uncluttered self”
“Neuro Hypnotic Repatterning® is one of the single most effective technologies I’ve ever come across. Since the course I’ve found the tools I’ve learnt have enabled me to drastically increase my success rate and productivity in working with clients in therapy and in business, and in my personal life. If you want to get better in any area of life especially to have your quality of life improved you need to learn from Richard Bandler and John La Valle. NHR® was a wonderful experience for me. For the entire course I laughed constantly and learned amazingly well. Just Fantastic!”